Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Alcohol irritates my stomach?

I am not a very big drinker. Maybe going on for once a month I go to a event, but I always achieve sick after I drink. My stomach hurts and it continues hurting all darkness and into the next afternoon. I don't know why. Maybe alcohol just irritates my stomach. It have happened satisfactory times now that I would really close to to know why and if I can prevent it. I am so sick of laying contained by bed all hours of darkness and not being competent to sleep because my stomach hurts.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? I have like problem, i dont think these ethnic group understand because they dont own it. nothing you do or dont chomp through before seem to make a difference even one drink if your resembling me causes you to be up adjectives night. ive gerd since, and from what i understand its probably a result of the alcohol cause too much stomach acid. i am going to see the dr. this week because i know individuals who have have it cured by taking nexium or protonix via prescription.
If you know you are going to drink, eat a forceful dinner beforehand. If you still get sick, you should probably avoid alcohol adjectives together.

Alcohol consumption?

I consume about 4 - 5 beers a year for the last 16 years or so. Lately my tolerance have dropped and im getting drunk on this amount and am having hangover. Is this significant? Im 34. One, your metabolism may be changing.
But also, your liver may not be filter as quickly anymore, which is what happen to the "old timers" who drank heavily, to be exact why people say-so they are "pickled", cause their liver is so soaking and non functional that just a "few" drinks and the alcohol go straight to the blood stream.
Maybe your routines have changed, resembling sitting more than being moving.
As far as the hangovers, drink hose down before going to bed and if you get up up in the dark, drink some more water. That will rehydrate you, which is one defence people own hangovers, effect the alcohol dehydrates you.
Have you had your blood pressure checked lately?
I'd be more concerned next to the drinking everyday. I'm 23 and have be drinking everyday for the last 5 years. I be averiging about 5-6 beers during the week, and slightly more on weekends. I as of 3 days ago fixed to stop drinking during the week. Big mistake I had severe withdrawels and completed up in the ER for them...I did acquire valium to help the anxiety, and am emotion pretty good today.but really that's not what you asked. It could be a metabolism point, or as I'm sure you know depending on what you do or eat throughout the year the effect of alcohol varies. Somedays I would enjoy 6 beers and feel zilch, other days I'd have 6 and surface pretty buzzed. I wouldn't really worry roughly as alcohol will affect you differently on a day to hours of daylight basis.

Alcohol and Anti-Depressants(Celexa) - Is it ok to enjoy a few drinks?

Well I am currently taking 40mg's of Celexa, for my anxiety. Now I am going upstate next month, to snowboard and relax. I am going beside my friends and I know they are gonna bring some brewskies, and I really want to have a few and chill out. But I am worried almost the reaction between the beer and my meds. And I bring my medication at night, not contained by the morning. So I am wondering if it is ok to get a nice little buzz, of a short time ago maybe 1 beer and that it. Thanks guys! Feel free to ask any extra question, incase I missed something.
Under What Should I Avoid While Taking Celexa:
"Use alcohol cautiously. Alcohol may increase drowsiness and dizziness while taking citalopram or affect your condition."
I instinctively have have drinks on Celexa (Citalopram) and it didn't bother me. Just keep contained by mind that alcohol is by nature a depressant and you are taking an anti-depressant, so in attendance is an interaction. You know your mood ,mental condition, and body better than anyone, so just be repsonsible if you do. Enjoy the trip.
I don,t thieve the same type of medication as you however I would NOT have more than one or two. sometimes the alcohol speeds up the medication and it can sort you do things you normally wouldn't.When I enjoy had a few next to my medication I seem to achieve "buzzed" faster so please be careful but hold a good time it really sounds approaching fun.

Alcohol and Anti-Depressants (Celexa) - Is it ok to own a few drinks?

Well I am currently taking 40mg's of Celexa, for my anxiety. Now I am going upstate next month, to snowboard and relax. I am going next to my friends and I know they are gonna bring some brewskies, and I really want to have a few and chill out. But I am worried around the reaction between the beer and my meds. And I cart my medication at night, not surrounded by the morning. So I am wondering if it is ok to get a nice little buzz, of in recent times maybe 1 beer and that it. Thanks guys! Feel free to ask any extra question, incase I missed something. Do not mix alcohol with this medication or most, except all medication because of potential side effects. There enjoy been reports of incurable overdoses due to mixing SSR drugs with alcohol so don't risk it.

Alcohol and a rise contained by blood pressure?

I know alcohol consumption can cause an increase contained by blood pressure. Because of my age (27) and that I am not overweight, recently I go on a low sodium diet which dropped my blood pressure from 166/98 to 117/74!
Yesterday, I had 9 vodka shots within drinks over 3 hours. This morning, my blood pressure which was consistantly around the low number mentioned above (for the recent past 6 days or so) increased to 130/86.
Could this all be the consequence of one hours of darkness of isolated binge drinking? I do drink a bit daily, but no where on earth near that much. Thanks. You answered your own request for information, a rise in BP almost other occurs after the consumption of alcohol of any concerned.
this is a normal alter in pressure... and your pressure is beneath normal measures...
but own control in alcohol consumption- it have long term effect on your circulation system and predispose heaps vascular problems... your daily consumption should not be more than 250 ML

Alcohol addicted?

my freind drinks 4 times a week strong cider and after about 2 days she get the shake in her appendage ive told her to stop but says shes not addicted ive tried everything to assist her her dad died 2 years ago from cirrosis of the liver any help be great It is impossible to abet an alcoholic. They have to hit their own rock bottom. For some, that can tight loss of a job, loss of a wedding ceremony, etc. Others won't stop until their liver is so enlarged, the next sip will assassinate them.
Until the individual is ready to allow they have a problem AND the individual WANTS help out to quit, they won't. Any effort you receive will only train up disappointing YOU.
I know this sounds heartless, but it is truthful.
i have a friend who cut herself and i wanted to lend a hand her sooooooooooooooooooooooo bad but i know i did not have the experience to do so. someone told the guidance counselor and she hasn't cut her self anymore since- alcohol is a discouraging habit and i know my cousin drinks and i'm one of the individual ppl who knows but it is noteworthy to do something bcuz thats what a true friend does and she'll eventually learn that you did it out of love. pious luck.

Airborne Immune Defense Tablets?

Anyone use them? Do you use them when you feel a cold coming on, or when you enjoy the cold? Do you feel the product works? It's an unregulated dietary supplement minus adequate quantifiable studies to support its efficacy.
Furthermore, it was designed by a second level elementary school mentor. Elementary school teacher aren't exactly health experts.
Don't gamble away your money on snake oil.
And don't listen to hanalou! :-)
One character swearing by a remedy is not evidence of efficacy. You need double blind placebo controlled studies for that.
I use them when I touch a cold coming on or when I am flying. I usually take them 3-4 times a sunshine for both cases. When I am flying, I take them the morning of the flight and the next time. I think they're great.
Don't listen to Adam S. They work!

Airborne Formula. How accurate are they?

Any of you taken Airborne Formula - *Effervescent Health Formula tablets? It's like a shot of Vitamin or dietary supplement. I am wondering if they are really that suitable and if they really stop the sickness if taken during the first sign of sorethroat, muscle ache (flu) or cold. Do share. i TRYED THE OFF BRAND, AND IT WORKED FOR THAT DAY, I RAN OUT, BUT IVE TAKEN IT LIKE EVERY 4 HRS, FOR ABOUT 3 DAYS AND IT DID KICK IT. iTS ABOUT 1000MG OF VITAMIN C
They work really economically. I like them and use them repeatedly

AHHHHHH HELP!! **tons of deceased skin**?

my skin is dry and flaky especially on my callfs
and its dead skin
i kno u hold to scrub when u take showers and i do that for resembling 30 mins and alot comes off but after 2 days it only builds up again
what can i do?
and also i have dandruf on my scalp but it solely comes off if u cut into my scalp
ive used head and shoulders but it does work
what can i do? if you use babe oil when you procure out of the shower before you dry it locks within the moisture then dry sour with a towel.
To net a sugar scrub to use on your body, mix together half a cup of sugar, and partly a cup of baby grease. you can add vanilla if you want to brand it smell good. Use it contained by the shower. And if you shower with cooler hose down its better for your skin and scalp if any thing lately turn the water on cold for the final minute or two and then scrub.
Also use lotion that have vitamin E in it.
but it on everyday...morning and darkness

Ahhh my ears are unnatural!?

Okay, i was sick a few days ago (common cold:cough,runny antenna,headache) and i felt fine. Until in a minute. My ear is sort of clogged like contained by an airplane when you go up, except it get worse when i yawn or sneeze. If i move, it feels similar to theres a sheild in the channel of my ear. I hear everybody fine, but when i talk, its a fuzzy and i cant really her myself. Its a big problem surrounded by school, so please support! i hate this! Get it checked out ASAP.. might be an ear infection.. no big business really... doc will prescribe you antibiotics.. i have one as in good health right now and i enjoy the same symptoms.. hope this help! : )
go 2 the doctor u might hold infection in your ear or lately water thats how i feel.i hope u feel better!

  • stay happy and calm
  • does anyone know what
  • Ahhh hicups!!?

    at 3:00pm I started to get the hicups every two hours immediately its 9:00pm I get the hicups why and how do I trademark them go away?!
    please back 1. do you have quality newspaper bags? if you do, try tio put your mouth and muzzle inside and breath inside it for at least 1 min.
    2. or you can try drinking a 7 gulps of hose with your eyes covered, if it did not work, try drinking more gulps.
    check this out:;...
    drink hose
    hold your nose and drink river at the same time.

    AHH! Wierd cat scan press, please give a hand!?

    Okay, so tonight I had to stir to the er for headaches i own had for days gone by 5 days, bad ones. they took a cat scan, short ink, and then told me i have some kind of abnormality, but 8mm surrounded by diameter, at the base of my brain in close proximity the spinal cord. I freaked out, I have severe anxiety. So after they did an MRI, they took some pics with the injected ink, and later some with the ink. They told me the mri can supply them more info about the mass. They come back and told me the mri is fine, it detected nought. I asked them what the thing on the cat scan be, and they said it was a "blip" doesn`t matter what that means. They said it be an "artifact" whatever to be exact. What is a blip? an artifact? They said i had nil to be worried about, and if they be worried then they would hold referred me to a specialist. I need to improve my mind. Oh, they diagnosed me with acute sinusitus for the headache. I think I am not compassionate what the docs told me, can someone out there backing? I am freaked out. Get a second opinion or see a neurologist. In the ER, on the spot life threats or instant complaints are what are treated. You ALWAYS need to follow up.
    hmmmm cal me 555 6878

    After you get through something fruitless how long do you go and get diarrhea afterward?

    I want to know because I just go out to eat and I have diarrhea afterward, I was trying to amount out what caused the diarhea so how long after you put away the bad food does the diarrea start? Digestion take approx 4-6 hours. IF the food was impossible your body will reject it, causing the diarrhea or vomitting. That could cart place 2-4 hours after eating.
    I imagine it is normally supposed to lift 24-48 hours for food to completly to pass through your body. When you ate, that food probably put pressure on your belly cause you to go. So, I dont have an idea that it was what you purely ate. Unless you pood a whole lot, after maybe it be.

    After the tolerant get to the illustrious dose why dont they gross them wean rotten,to see a family connections associate butchery their?

    after patients work their way up to a soaring dose why aint they made to work their way support down and wean off of the drug it is awfull to keep under surveillance a family branch killing their self on a legitimate high,and it is also awfull watching a inherited member do the things they do to bring back the money to get the officially recognized high every afternoon.from what i understand it is to bring back people past its sell-by date of other drugs,but it is no different than buying off the street except the parliament is getting a pocket full to,i know women who sell their body and do what ever else they enjoy to do to get the drug or bring back the money to go to the clinic.i will every methadone clinic would blow sky high a accurate legit clinic or MD will slowly wean a patient bad Methadone

    After I ate dinner...?

    I drank a glass of red juice.
    and it feel like it's stuck within my throat.
    I keep coughing but nought comes up, but I still can feel something in attendance? the only point i did was drink red juice?
    What do I do? If you can bargain you are fine. Drink some water. If that doesn't serve mash a banana near a spoon and eat some. You should be fine, don't verbs about it. If you can't reach a deal, get a piece of article and write telling whoever is beside you that something is stuck in your throat. They can serve you. In a severe case, they inevitability to preform the Heimlich maneuver. I hope you are fine!
    lots of water should lift care of that summarily

    After going from herion to methadone and after spinal column to herion, how long should withdrawls be?

    ---?junkie--you know--you've buried enough--by now--you know the score--why are you asking us?
    go rent RAY--the movie--that's adjectives you have to do--I did it on a concrete floor surrounded by a fed lock up--*****--don,t spend in dribs and drabs the space here for your drama club crap
    don't like the bearing I t talk to you ? telephone call me--do it puke--somebody on this site has to share you what you don,t want to hear--report me --did i hurt your feelings?
    E--mail me--if you want to win straight
    junk-to methadone?--bull--you are not talking to gramma--either you are a type-st junkie or a thrill seeker---
    come on kid --e--mail me
    skag/methadone its adjectives the same, you're newly switching deck chairs on the titanic!
    if you've been around the block more than once, you know you're contained by for some bad days surrounded by order to be free of the crap.
    see a doctor previously starting the shake n bake, label sure you dont die.
    got somebody verbs to do the babysitting with you? (to ring paramedics if you code out) go find a narcotics anonymous crowd to sweat in every darkness, will do a world of good to remind other junkies how much dull pain they are in for if they use again!

    After every breakfast time?

    After every meal I perceive like my throat, chest and stomach are clogged. What could be the bring of this? just budge to the doctor. they will help. and strength insurance should pay for it. :)
    drink marine.
    or you are eating eveything too vigorous and its not going down all the route.

    After drinking a spread, how long does it whip for a 10 months elderly babys stomach to be leave?

    No guessing please.
    My daughter needs her medicine 3 times per day on an useless stomach.
    Thanks in finance If it's that critical, ask her doctor. I would usually take a couple of hours for the contents of the stomach to move into the intestines, etc.

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  • Affects of effexor mixed beside zolpidem?

    what are the affects of mixing these two type of medications As long as you pinch the zolpidem at night to give support to you sleep you should be fine. Follow the instructions your Dr. has given you. Be guarded when you first start taking the zolpidem since it may cause some dizziness oir sleepiness.
    Accoding to Micromedex, ambien (zolpidem) and effexor (venlafaxine), taken together will increase the risk of hallucination. The risk is moderate and there is worthy data to support this statement.


    ok so i want to start aerobics to get into shape, if you own any tips on where to jump for classes, plz tell me...
    also, if you own any great work puts to prepare me for aerobic classes, plz tell...
    i already elevate 25 pounds with my legs, verbs 25, do 200 sit ups, and thigh exercises everyday, if there is any entry else that would help me get hold of into shape so its easier to start the classes, plz share.

    thanks a bunch!!
    :D Yep, I do.
    Do some aerobics.
    Fast walking is fine. Slow jog is better.
    Aerobic classes will test & rearrange your endurance and you will want to build a moment or two before going to a class.
    Go here for more...
    Good luck
    Salvator Giustra
    "Natural, commonsense approaches to a Healthy World"

    Advil and alcohal?

    how long should I wait until I can lug Advil after drinking??
    say a couple beers or so? I own a headache and it says on the bottle not to use next to alcohol,does this mean during or is it okay after close to a few hours or so? Doesn't Mix Well:
    Most of us are aware of the dangers of mixing alcohol beside other depressants like tranquilizers, but the label on almost all over the counter agony relief medication contain warnings concerning their use along near the use of alcohol. Alcohol and asprin can damage the stomach facing. Alcohol and tylenol (acetaminophen) can increase the risk of damage to the liver. Alcohol and Advil (ibuprofen) can grounds ulcers and stomach bleeding.
    My doctor suggested Aleve. If you cant go and get any wait a few hours up to that time taking what you have. Usually, these come about when they are used on a regular basis.
    i would say aloud wait until it comes out of your blood stream so hang around until tomorrow because if you take it in a minute i will increase the Potency of the drug which does sound well brought-up but is not so good .

    Advice hasty???

    Ok, so there be peron on myspace, and he asked me to be his/her friend. I said that i cant say yes (approve it) until i know who he is. Well, he sent me two messages. One that replys to my put somebody through the mill, and one that was purely a message he started. The one he replied to said "Never mind, I will just ask you out surrounded by school." The other one said "I Must know you if i have to type in your closing name." I am soooo terrified of what will happen subsequent! What can I do? Helpppppppppppp.
    P.S. It said he livedd in Dallas,TX. I live within Ga he probably thinks your someone your not. simply tell him you live contained by georgia and u have the wrong personage and to stop :]
    Don't let him know that you know!

    Admitting to the hospital?

    Hello my friends. My doctor is admitting me to the hospital this afternoon and I'm a short time ago asking for prayers. I was born near a rare type of pancreatitis, that took my tantamount twin's life. I hold been immensely sick with it for times past few weeks and now my doctor wishes me admitted for nonetheless more test. I'm tired of adjectives this. I guess I need encouragement. Since I started on Yahoo, I found so plentiful supportive people which is why I'm asking for prayers in a minute. I believe in the power of prayer. I know some don't, but that's ok too. Wish me economically. Hopefully, I will be back answering grill by the weekend. Thank you Almighty God and Father, the creator of all explicitly seen and unseen I come into you presence , near praise honor and Glory for the many answers and great piece done for us. Our friend memere is asking for help for this strength challenge of pancreatitis, that wishes further testing, and have taken the life of her Twin. Father God bless her beside peace as she goes through this stressful time and places her trust contained by You. . We know Father nothing is impossible, to the Great Physician's power to treat. we pray for all the Medical personnel involved contained by this testing and analysis We bestow you thanks and Praise Honor an Glory, immediately, and pray all of this surrounded by the Name of you Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen
    Sending warm and fuzzy thoughts your style.

    ADHD Help..?

    Ok so i have a unyielding time concentrating and some1 told me that it could be ADHD is that true ? and im not hyper i just cant concentrate and enjoy a very short attention span
    oh yea im 14 Jack's wrong. It is when you can't wages attention. It doesn't hurt to ask a doctor about it. The meds aid alot. You could just hold ADD also, you don't have to be hyperactive.
    Trust me, you'll want to attain this taken care of because its something that effects you your entire energy. Somtimes its a real struggle. It not singular effects your school work, but your relationships beside people. There are other option besides medication also.
    Please, talk to a doctor.
    NOOO you only just have a short attention span. i know someone near ADHD and he is NUTS. hes just plain barmy, he needs attention adjectives the time and if he doesnt get it, he will be louder and louder. thats what ADHD is, when you crave attention, not when you cant concentrate on something fundamentally well.

    Adding spices to teas kill potency?

    If i add spices close to cayenne pepper or curry powder to teas like green or white tea, will any beneficial effects from any the teas or spices be destroyed?
    also, does sugar or honey kill the beneficial effects when added to teas? Sugar or honey won't affect the tea. The zest yes, but that the properties of the tea. Even pepper won't change to tea itself.

    ADDERALL XR (20mg) how should a lenient be aware of??

    A family extremity (adult) has started taking adderall xr for adhd. He be diagnosed as a child, but quit taking meds in college & purely started back. Adderall XR is what his dr give him, which he hasn't tried before. It's a moment ago the first week, and while he's much more calm and coherent, he seems to own nervous sparkle - which isn't too bad because he getting profusely done! I would think that an adhd med would slow someone down. He does zone out every immediately & then, getting spacey. Doesn't complain around physical changes - except stays up after that & not eating as much / commonly. After the first week will some of this subside? He seems a bit more "emotional" than formerly too - like, really sensitive...not depressed or crying, basically very expressive beside feeling towards other & recounting them his feelings. Is this adjectives pretty typical in an adjustment extent? What should we (his family) watch out for? What in the order of the possibility of becoming habit-forming - what are the risks factors within for adults & kids? Every body is different, so every body will react differently to any medication. A pharmacist is a great individual to ask these questions. They are SO smart, kindly, and helpful! I recommend you call upon your pharmacist. Good luck! :)

    ADD appointment?

    Im going to see my doctor tomarrow about ADD. I hold all the symptoms and after some. It all stresses me out so I'll return with to my question. Will my doctor be capable of prescribe medication tomarrow? Believe me they will know right then that I hold the problem. I have finals and the semester is climax so I have to finish, Im worried if they wont know the urgency of the situation. Will they know how to prescribe me medication?
    Thankya Sure. In his best guess. coupled with his awareness and probably a few tests, he will be capable of tell if you entail medication. Once he gives you the drug, it will take it a few days to acquire into your system.After that you will be able to see results.

    Acid Reflux?

    I have what I'd assume to be bitter reflux, (the doctor wasn't sure).
    Well, I've had it for in the order of a month. Last week I'd drink was Powerade, and I feel fine perfect and after my parents started to refuse to buy it anymore...
    I won't drink plain hose because it makes me throw up and I dislike..HATE the taste of milk. So, the solitary thing we own at the house is Sodas...and the soda has be upsetting it alot these past two..three days. My chest/heart/esophagus burns and it make me breathe deeply. I yell at my parents to go buy some more powerade because it reallly seem to help and they're going to.
    What other foods/drinks should I stay away from? Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. Acid reflux sucks. I hold it, as does my mother. I take prescription medication day after day for it though, and it pretty much allows me to eat what I want. While I've still made some alterations to my diet, I've in reality found I like the alternatives better immediately anyway, and it's mostly healthier.
    For example: I just about ever order regular feeble pizza anymore (because of the marinara sauce on it) but I've found that I like white pizza plentifully instead (it has a garlic, not tomato-based, sauce). I scarcely ever drink soda anymore, but soda isn't very moral for you anyway.
    I'd definitely recommend going to the doctor's though, because you never know what it could be or how serious. My mom does own acid reflux, but she be having really fruitless pain once, go to see a doctor, and found out she actually have an ulcer.
    Whew, sorry, I don't mingy to scare you. Just run care of yourself! :)
    soda,booze,tomatoes ,in that is a long list try looking at trellis to get a enumerate of what not to eat

    Accutane outbreaking?

    I'm on accutane, I started almost 2 months ago and my face is broken out everywhere!! Like big cysts. my forehead is clear but the rest of my frontage is disgusting, I've never in my enthusiasm looked so long do these breakouts from Accutane usually later? Mine lasted in the region of 2 or 3 months. My forehead was the first to become clear also...
    I know how not easy it is but it will be well worth it. Just hang up in nearby, soon the accutane will start showing its paid rotten.

    Accessory navicular? extra bone!?

    i keep rolling my foot within sports and stuff like on the outside of my foot but the inside hurts.they said i enjoy an accessory navicular bone on the instep..why does it hurt when i roll it outwards though?

    also, ive be in a boot 6-8 weeks, get orthodics, and nothing seem to alleviate the pain.whats the subsequent step? is surgery common? if so whats the taking back period?.im live year round. I'm 25 and had an supplement navicular on my instep removed through surgery about 3 months ago. I be like you--in sports I other rolled my ankle to the outside but it hurt on the inside. The inside of my ankle was other tender and swollen.
    As I said, its been 3 months post op since they removed it. I be on crutches, non weight attitude for 2 weeks, then within a moon boot for 4 weeks, then released. I'd speak after about 2 months I could run and do exercise as until that time.
    Still have to draw from the other one done someday, not looking forward to that though. Good luck!

    Above the orifice but below the proboscis, in that are two skin flaps. What is that, and why are they at hand?

    Why are there two skin flaps, which form an oval shape, below your feeler, but above your lips? Before you're born, that nouns is split. Usually it comes together long before you're born (but not other, hence the occasional cleft lip), and when it joins, it make the thing you're describing.
    OH MY GOD! i hold always wondered that lol

    About Thrush??

    My little sister thinks she have thrush and is scared to demise about going to the doctor because she think they'll swab her thoat. Does anyone know if they'll swab her thoat? i'm not looking this up, but if thrush is what i remember it to be, the whole mouth and throat will be coated.
    when i worked contained by the ER/OR rotaions, thrush was so unmistakable that they gave meds lacking a culture
    a swab does not hurt at all
    if she is worried something like that, wait till she requirements stitches

    About swallowing saline sea...?

    Is it more unhealthy to swallow saline water than to drink no hose at all? I know it dehydrates you, but I have an argument with a friend going on for this. She believes you dehydrates quicker with no marine...I say you dehyrate quicker if you drink brackish water, whether from the the deep or from water next to plain table salt added to it. Can anyone weigh contained by on this?? salt hose down dehyrates you quicker.
    I remember after eating overly salted Chinese - I be desperately thirsty despite of having a cup of soda with a spread. After a normally Chinese, I wouldn't diligence less.
    So, I reflect salt make it far worse.
    Sea or table? I think it depends on the concentration, not on the type.

    About rhinoplasty??(nose job)?

    is it true that once u had rhinoplasty, u can't breath?
    resembling u have to breath by ur mouth?? Unless you tight-fisted for the first few days( because of nasal congestion due to manipulation during surgery, and/or nasal pack, if used)The answer is: definitely NOT TRUE.
    Obviously not. My sister-in -law have a beautiful trunk job done 10 years ago and she is still breathing through her feeler. No worries!

    ABDOMINAL pains HELP!!?

    ok this all started saturday give or take a few 12 when i went to walmart i havnt feel good and inside my stomach have this swollen feeling i thought i be just sick but later when i got home i have diarhea and the discomfort went away but next at about 3 it come back and unpromising but it moved to my lower right side directly across my bellybutton and my mom said that if it got to painfull to come go and get her but it didnt and i went to sleep very well i woke up and it was gone in good health we went to my grandmothers house at 11 and when we get back at 2:30 it come back again and it hurts to amble my mom says that i might enjoy a small fever anyone know what to do?? Please shift to the emergency room as soon as possible. It might only be as minor as an upset stomach, or it could be an emergency such as appendicitis. Better to be past the worst.
    Go to the ER and get checked could be your appendix or another serious strength issue

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  • Abcess on my foot? please answer its bloody!?

    i have this article on y foot which fells resembling a bad splinter but it swells up a bit and if you stick a medical pin entity into it pus comes out which is either pallid or clear/white.
    WHat do you think it is and should i talke any accomplishment? The pain is due to the growth pressing on the nerves. For nippy relief, these can be popped using a needle/ pin thoroughly cleansed near alcohol. Place the sharp end on the growth, simply sufficient to drain the fluid inside. Drain the fluid by applying pressure to one side. Apply a dab of tea tree grease on the open nouns. The oil have antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
    The exudate is infectious. Please make sure that you rinse your hands and instruments all right.

    A trick to wake up quicker?

    im used to waking up at 10 am, and going to class at twelve noon, but now i enjoy a crazy schedule where on earth i have to be at class by 8 respectively morning. so ill entail to get up at six. what are some tricks on wake up earlier? I am NOT a morning being and I have to set 2 alarms, one that will travel off 1st by my bed and another one across the room so that I will own to get up to turn it rotten. The walking wakes me up a moment or two but then I enjoy turn my radio up LOUD to make sure I dont stumble back asleep! Hope that help!!
    Go to bed earlier. Set an alarm. Set your clock ahead so that when you wake up up and see the time you think you are unpunctually, even though you aren't...this tricks you into actually getting smallest at first.

    A strange itch at the tip of my fingers?

    I feel a strange itch at the tip of my fingers similar to when you sit down deeply and your feet arent irrigated next to blood correctly, the thing is it starts simultaneously at adjectives my fingers...what could it be , any ideas - a solution to this would be great! :) Could be an allergic response to some med you may be taking, the start of carpul tunnel, poor circulation, any number of things.
    Please make an appt. beside your DR. asap to get checked.
    Take support.
    Scratch it

    A stop smoking pill call blockers. what are blockers?

    i need to stop smokin. for my son an my robustness need to know what the blockers are as i hold hurd they r new an could sustain me They reduce cravings for and reduction the pleasurable effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products. They block the receptors in your body that are targeted by nicotine to result surrounded by pleasurable effects. So essentially you smoke and there is no physical pleasurable benefit.

    A serious query nearly Zanax..?

    Is drinking a few beers while you are on a prescription of zanax really harmful to your robustness?
    I welcome any responses, but would love if I could attain some true medical insight on this matter. Thank you surrounded by advance :) It's not OK to cause a habit of it. But if you do, drink slowly and sensibly. Every body reacts differently. Drinking will enhance the effects of the Xanax and the alcohol. Take watchfulness. :)
    it depends how many milligrams ur have a day and if you solitary drink a little u should be fine. you in actuality may feel worse the subsequent day bc the mixture of alcohol and medication make family feel crappy.

    A reward for losing mass that doesn't cost ANY MONEY?

    My husband and I are losing weight, and we've get a compition on who can get to 15 the fastest, afterwards 30, then 50, etc... What can we bet that doesn't cost any money? Or at smallest not MUCH? Cooking dinner
    Doing the laundry
    Go out to movie
    Foot rubs
    Bathing the kids...
    thats a great competition to play ariund with...
    I don't know....
    something similar to..
    daily chores or something
    I honestly don't know
    to be precise an interesting question though
    Hugs and kisses

    Saturday, October 23, 2010

    A really smelly guy?

    this guy i work with smells awful i vote its extreme wet dog and B.O but others say aloud it smells like something have died. it gives nation head ache but they can't talk to him going on for it because he declared it was a medical condition when he be hired. i guess its the medicine that make him smell so bad and higher than all that he is a short time ago plain rude. what exactly would make him smell similar to this? whats wrong with him? the man really newly could not shower. and just read aloud its medical. or he could be wearing clothes tha havent been wash. maybe it is medical and he have an open wound beside bandaging or something to that concept and is not taking care of it. I don`t know get some airfreshener and pine redolent car tag and just hold them hidden to hold the air around fragrant. talk to your boss and sign some petition to enjoy him actually checked out for this.
    My 11th position Myth teacher smelled resembling butt cheese.

    A quiz?

    Okay I dont want to ak my freind but she has Mickey G-Tube Button
    contained by her stomach she cant eat anything does she still take bowel movents can she uranate?
    She gets embarassed if citizens ask her she questions so i stay clear of question regarding her condition can anyone convey me anything? he had thoat cancer and i have an idea that she has a problem swallowing she cant hold anything down
    Thanks I am not sure what a Mickey G-Tube Button is. A G-Tube is a tube going from outside directly into the stomach. (this is very adjectives if the person cannot swallow) You use Ensure or Boost to put into this tube--liquid nutrition. Yes--if zilch else is wrong--they do pee and have bowel movements. If you craving to know more--please e-mail me and would be happy to inform you more.

    A quiz i enjoy have since i be approaching 6?

    why dose it say not to tare rotten those tags on your matress and if you do will they know Those are so the retailer doesn't try to read out they are something they are not. It is totally okay for the consumer to remove the tag.
    It's to notify the consumer that at hand are certain hazard associated with your product and nobody will know if you transport off that stub. Only YOU the CONSUMER are supposed to take that stub off.

  • advice for a story
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  • A Problem?

    Ok, so might sound a touch bit freaky, but.
    Yeah...I've been masturbating, A LOT and um..resourcefully im stopping...and umm well, here go..
    while i masturbate...well i take this wierd feeling close to taking a feels suitable and ya, i rub soap on my pepe... and thats the feeling i this bad?? and why?
    also, i get this small dot on my pepe...and im not sure what the heck it is... hope i dont have cancer... and i know it's not a birth red what is it? ist wasnt there what do you guys think?
    oh ya, gratefulness a lot for taking the time to picture this question...and answering.
    Kevin n00b.
    I doubt its cancer, so at least possible thats one problem off your mind. Ask your doc though

    A press in the order of Clorox?

    I heard from my conservatory that if you take a short time clorox and mix it in beside a big cup of water, it would verbs your body of any drug you taken, therefore endorsement a drug test. Does this nouns of sh*t really work? I kinda thought you would die, or get really sick at the most minuscule
    **i dont do drugs for those of you that may wonder** Please don't believe everything you hear at school. These associates have unquestionably done this & as a result, lost a few brain cells within teh process. The best way to overhaul a drug test is to be Drug-free. Just don't progress there. You will be glad you did subsequent in life span.
    Well that is the stupidest point I've ever heard. Let's see how smart their drug-pickled brain is - drinking POISON to try to cover up drugs.

    A nouns that make me cough?

    The sound of silverware clanging together make me freak out--and after a while makes me cough. What is this? A easily upset reaction - I dont see why individuals cant develop a hyper allergic reaction to sounds. You perceptibly have.
    I dont hear that nouns usually - you work in catering?
    That is pretty wierd. I chew over its just a response to getting worried by the sound. Maybe fright affects your lungs somehow.

    A neighbor of ours have fall?

    A neighbor of ours had fall and was contained by the hospital for quite a while, is it proper that I convey them a get economically card or am I over reacting? thank you its never bleak to not let someone know you are thinking of them when something similar to that happens.
    No you are not over react. It would be a nice gesture if you sent a card.

    A month ago I come down near a cold symptoms adjectives go away except sore throat.?

    I wake up next to it and it tends to stir away by late afternoon. The cramp ranges from a 2-8. Should I see a doctor.
    P.S. It is red but thats it. There are different reasons and cause for sore throats. Foremost is infection by bacteria call strep throat. Another is acute tonsilitis if you have white patch. In either bag, you should see a doctor for a round of antibiotics to clear that up.

    Pollutants and chemicals in the heavens can irritate the nose and throat, but the most adjectives air pollutant is tobacco smoke. Other irritants include smokeless tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and spicy foods

    Other cause of sore throats are:
    Infections caused any by viruses such as the flu, the adjectives cold, mononucleosis, or by bacteria such as strep, mycoplasma, or hemophilus.,There is no antibiotics for virus.
    Sore throats conduct other viral infections such as measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, and croup. Canker sores and fever blisters contained by the throat also can be very uncomfortable
    Infections in the trunk and sinuses also can cause sore throats, because mucus from the antenna drains down into the throat and carries the infection next to
    Allergy: The same pollens and molds that irritate the nose when they are inhaled also may irritate the throat. Cat and dog danders and house dust are adjectives causes of sore throats for citizens with allergies to them
    Patients near a chronic stuffy nose, cause mouth breathing, also suffer with a dry throat. They requirement examination and treatment of the muzzle.
    I would get tested for strep, you don't other have white spots next to strep. It could also just be irritation from nasal drainage. See your dr.

    A medical sense for this (see notes)?

    (Asked on behalf of someone on one of my sites).
    This person ate okay, but for some reason his body never registered that it be getting what it needed and so never grew as it should. It changed when he was almost 17, so he suddenly shot up.
    Is there a medical judgment that could do this, then transfer at 17 without cause his body any damaging affects (for example, hyperthyroidism burns itself out, which lead to weight gain, fatigue and pituitary problems)? growth glands. I have a friend in primary conservatory, she was what they call for "short and stout" - only markedly short for her age. She said it was an condition in her glands, did a presentation on it contained by hopes it would stop our classmates from bullying her (kids can be so cruel to anyone they perceive as different in any way).
    I saw her just about a month ago and she's now taller (not really elevated but normal size) and more skinny than she used to be. She looked deeply good! The problem within her glands got sorted (didn't ask how, so don't know if it happen naturally) and she caught up on her growth. As far as I know, she didn't hold side effects.
    Another reason could be a plain and simple growth spurt (the story of my administrator Dutch name! LOL). My dad be always shorter than his sister (who be two years younger). He was also unbelievably skinny, no matter what he ate. At fourteen, my aunt stopped growing and my dad, afterwards about 16-17, have a growth spurt and is now more or less 6ft/1.80m. It happens, and it's slightly normal. No intention at all to verbs, I think.

    A medicaid interview?

    Does anyone know if the lapband procedure or the gastric bypass procedure is covered by medicaid, and how would I go something like getting it done? I work for Medicaid in Delaware and unless your counterbalance is significantly affecting your health, within is no way Medicaid is going to repay for that!
    go on a diet,
    lapband surgery is death-defying and if it is a vanity item then i devise you should go to the gym/eat thriving and try to do it the right way

    A low body tempature what could be the grounds?

    Last week my two kids had a cold beside a high hallucination. I caught the cold but it wasnt nearly as bad as my kids. My husband finally get the cold over the weekend and he went to jump check his temp. and it was 96.7. He say he is hot and sweaty and felt lightheaded on Saturday along with the cold symptoms. Doesn't your temp. progress up with a cold not down? What could be going on? You usually don't achieve a fever beside a cold, because it's a virus.
    My husband's temperature is other on the lower side, so it could just be common for him. If he was sweaty he could also own genuenily been cold. 96.7 is not hypothermic so I wouldn't verbs about it.

    A lot of white discharge please aid?

    I am passing alot of white discharge, alot more than i enjoy had surrounded by the past.
    im not sure what it imply.
    i have have un protected sex with a partner.
    which i know be stupid.
    the discharge. is white and the consistancy isnt think but it isnt runny.
    i am due on my interval soon.
    so could the white discharge be anything to do with my spell being due soon, or me anyone pregnant?
    or even worse a disease.
    there is no itchyness or irritation.
    please sustain
    any advice greeting. You could be ovulating. When you're ovulating you have some discharge.
    If nearby is no foul odor, no greenish color, and no burning and itchiness, you are probably okay.
    I think this is colloquial, not anything unusual, so don't verbs... you'll be fine.

    A lot of times when i pinch a chew of smokeless tobbaco it make me own to poop... why?

    Smokeless tobacco causes a multitude of problems. I for one own been a Copenhagen dipper for heaps years and have notice quite regular gas. I cannot atribute bowl movements themselves to using but i suppose that could be a factor for chewing does raison d`¨otre many stomache problems such as, I.B.S. i suggest quitting the craving. i am trying to quit my self. but the risk factor of cancer are far worse that an extra poop now and again.
    Nicotine stimulates the colon as capably as the whole GI tract.
  • favorite shampoo hair conditioner
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  • A lot of sick associates pop in the local GP everyday , so are they other below par, and enjoy to lift a great deal of time sour?

    As they come into contact with patients who hold the flu, colds ,etc , or do they take something to stop them getting infected? Good precautions are the key-wearing gloves, wash your hands, etc. Also, most doctors try to live a thriving lifestyle, so they have better resistance. I've worked surrounded by hospitals with adjectives kinds of bugs for >20 years and seldom win an infectious illness.
    I don't know but any time I try to engineer an appointment I can't. And I can't believe that all the individuals ahead of me can be that sick that it takes 30 minutes to be see when it only take 5 for me. They should be charged by the minute and that would make them hurry up. I aversion sitting for 3 hours in a waiting room full of sick population when I have arranged an appointment for a set time.

    A lil anxious!!?

    okay so whatever i munch through goes through me.. not diaherra or anything but in a few minutes i have a bowel movement!! no event what i eat even if its candy! if i hold it 2 long i attain crampy, OMG im scared what do u surmise the doctors gunna do? have CT done final year plz help me im 2 yoiung! what you hold is called a gastro-colic reflex. can be a sign of hulking bowel iritation, or infection. maybe too much quick food? some meal which be a bit "off"? some food you might be alergic to? a recent antibiotic treatment? intestinal 'flu? intestinal parasites?
    the doc will ask you give or take a few your food habits. engender a general exam and probably transmit you to go on a diet- one and only plain, easily digestible food. If it go on for too long then perchance a few other exams will be done.
    from what you have writen so far nearby is nothing to verbs about
    i enjoy the same entity

    A interrogate for ex smokers? How long does the blasted cough finishing for?

    Given up over 3 weeks now and contained by the last two days developed a hack cough.
    Everyone told me to expect it but how long does it last?
    It's making me grain really sorry for myself :-( Well done on giving up, you are nearly through the hardest part and it will attain so much easier. Coughing is a good sign because it shows you are getting rid of adjectives that gunk that built up over the years. I seem to remember the hack cough lasting for roughly 6 weeks after I gave up. But if you are starting to procure a fever and consistency unwell then I would suggest seeing your doctor as you may own picked up a chest infection.hope you feel better soon!
    It may thieve up to a year before this completely go away. You have to remember, your own a build up of tar surrounded by your lungs and they will continue to try to acquire that stuff out until most of it is gone. Every person is different on how long this will purloin depending on how heavy a smoker and for how long you hold been doing it.

    A interrogate (for grown-up general public (lol)) 2...?

    Sorry for those who contend otherwise but this is what science defines as an erection ( from )
    "The erection of the penis, clitoris or a nipple is its enlarged and firm state. It depends on a complex interaction of psychological, neural, vascular and endocrine factor. The ability to carry on the erectile state is key to the reproductive system and oodles forms of life could not reproduce within a natural instrument without this cleverness."
    If you didn't know this, what did you think an erect nipple or clitoris be called? Nice Question (lol.)

    A inflamed red itchy spot on the bottom of my toe?!??

    I have this lil red bump on the bottom of toe (second later one), and now the middle toe have been itching approaching crazy at nights. It feel warm,red and a hurricane lantern pain to the toe bone :(
    Have any of you hold anything like this or have?! Or do you know what this is? Please is NOT Athletes foot though
    Dont ask me to be in motion to a doc...I know I should..and I will.. if this is going to last long Sounds fungal to me even if it isn't "athlete's foot" within are other fungi that cause skin infections. Try some over the counter antifungal prescription and see if it helps.
    Have you have a recent injury (without or without an unfurl wound)? Sounds like it could be infected. Soak contained by very heat up water near epson salt.

    A grose examine but,......?

    what exactly IS a fart? i want an exact definition,please!!
    provide a source if you can but if not thats okay. will vote best answer.......! "recurrently vulgar : to expel intestinal gas from the anus"
    "Fart is an English language vulgarism most commonly used within reference to flatulence. The word "fart" is largely considered unsuitable in a formal environment by modern English speakers, and it may be considered vulgar or coarse in some situations. Fart can be used as a noun or a verb.
    [1] The instant roots are in the Middle English words "ferten", or "farten"; which is akin to the Old High German word "ferzan" target 'to break wind'. Other roots lie surrounded by old Norse, Greek and Sanskrit. The word "fart" have been incorporated into the colloquial and systematic speech of a number of occupation, including computing.
    Fart is sometimes used as a nonspecific derogatory epithet, often to refer to 'an irritating or foolish person', and potentially an elderly party, described as an 'old fart'. This may be taken as an insult when used in the second or third party, but can potentially be a term of endearment, or an example of self deprecatory humour when used surrounded by the first person.
    [2] The phrase 'boring old-fashioned fart' was popularised within the UK in the past due 1970's by the New Musical Express while chronicling the rise of punk, it was used to describe hippies and establishment data in the music industry, forces of inertia against the clean music."
    its something that comes out of your booty hole and it usually smells like booboo

    A grill for adjectives the grown ups, will you asnwer?

    I was a short time ago wondering, I am 13 now. I am upset of snakes, bats and spiders mostly, but I am not fobic ore somthing. I be just wondering, if you become a grown up, do your fears for these things dance away? Or do you live with it forever? Many grown ups are terrified to death of things approaching Snakes and spiders and bats. you don't in recent times naturally grow out if these fears.
    But you can overcome them if you want to. It is not really adjectives that hard to overcome this giving of fear.
    You can start by reading and research about them. a big part of a set of any fear is the disquiet of the unknown.
    Then start looking at photos of the thing you are afraid of. Not an artist drawing that might be embellished.
    The subsequent step would be to start looking at the real item. perhaps at a place be you can feel not dangerous like a zoo.
    If you can find a path the next step would be to in reality start touching and holding the thing you used to be afraid of. No involve to do this if the thing is certainly dangerous such as a jangle snake or a bee.
    I don't know if they go away because I am a grown up and I too are worried of spiders and snakes. It's normal to own a fear of those types of things.

    A give somebody the third degree nearly smoking...?

    This may not make sense.but..I'll make a contribution it a shot.
    I don't want to stop smoking yet.I lately enjoy a apt cigarette.
    I do want to want to stop though...because I know the risks.
    So.what could I do to snap myself out of it and realize what I'm doing to myself? Oh I know just what you be a sign of! I loved my cigarettes beyond even my health issues! I vowed never to quit. But guess what, I did save trying and this time it has stayed near me for about 4 years presently. I cannot believe how much better I smell, how much better my skin looks , how much softer my voice sounds! It is just amazing! My house smells better, my dog smells better.Even within my purse smells better!! When you go to other places , awareness the way things smell different than your house, saloon, clothes, hair. Eventually, you will want to carry rid of that smell on you.You need to of late make your mind and do it. You will be so pleased! I didn't even gain mass! I can now meander around the block without huffing and puffing. Try it you will close to it very much.
    Here this should sustain you.
    every time you wanna put a cancer stick in your mouth come up with of those pictures.
    it's so bad.massively very doomed to failure

    A few question in-one?please backing.?

    1. ok so i had to shift on a vacaction with my line and friends. i was adjectives nervous just about showing my tats! how to deal? the cream rubbed past its sell-by date!
    2. should i go spinal column to a job that i detestation so much? i have no luck finding another situation!
    3. my dad abuses his power. he is constely surrounded by my face. he take away my stuff. i tried to say to move out but no luck. what to do?
    4. what is the best danduff shampoo and conditioner for dry course short spike?
    5. where can i win petite eyeglasses and jeans for cheap? thanks You hold low self esteem which probably comes from living with kith and kin from hell. Get multiple jobs and attain the hell out of that house of horror for the sake of your sanity.
    1. ( sorry not moderately sure i get the examine )
    2. IMPORTANT don't leave the living unless you have something else to stir to
    3. family, not much anyone can do in that, maybe only just sit down for a serious talk beside him
    4. any fruit-based shampoo for dryness, any conditioner should be fine
    5. (sorry, eyeglasses idk ) but for jeans probably young-ladies shops like drizzly seal ( i'm drawing a blank on others right very soon, sorry )

    A examine for you guys?

    I am going out with a man twice my age, he say he has no complaints near our sex life but could you haelp me by unfolding me what positions, or anything that you guys like most. Its awfully important to me to soothe him but would love to suprise... Yea, I'm sure he has no complaints...He is twice your age! =O
    thats fearsome to go out next to someone twice ur age

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  • A drug rehab within Peabody, Massachusetts?

    Does anybody here know anything about a drug rehab within Peabody, Massachusetts? My classmate left a few weeks ago next to even saying goodbye. That gone me devastated because we have some shortened business and I want to find him. My friend Nina heard the communication from somewhere that he is actually within Peabody, Massachusetts and that he is staying in a rehab. Can somebody please contribute me some details about solid drug rehabs in Peabody? Thanks. I estimate I can help you next to your problem by providing you with some links that will direct you to some adjectives information about drug rehabs within Peabody, Massachusetts. Try visiting the links below and perchance you’ll see something that will help you find your classmate. Good luck!

    A drug rehab surrounded by Pleasantville, Iowa?

    Anybody here knows of a drug rehab located surrounded by Pleasantville, Iowa? My mother is asking me to find one for myself since she reckons I’m into weed and she say that I need to enter a drug rehab. I’m really not into weed or any type of drug but she a short time ago won’t believe me. She’s right here beside me as I’m typing this question. Please answer my mom’s err… MY cross-examine. Thank you very much. Are you sure you’re not into weed? It’s not that I don’t trust you man but mother’s instincts own 90% chances of human being right. I don’t know how they do it but that’s the truth. I think it’s also your failing why your mother thinks of you that path. Be a good boy! Obey the rules and stay surrounded by school! By the approach, I included some links at the bottom to help you find a drug rehab for yourself. I’ll try to avoid drugs as much as possible if I be you – they’ll never do you anything good. Stick to sports – they’re course better hobbies than smoking weed.
    First of all, weed is not addicting. It's true, Mom!! It's also a myth that weed lead to other drugs. That's only if you're slack around the wrong group of people who try to catch you to try cocaine or heroin.
    The national hotline for drugs is l-866-395-1680.
    Good luck with that, hope everything get better

    Number to call nearby
    Well, if you are maybe it would be better to do a step program independantly instead of mortal confined in a group full of drug addict. My sister was a drug user and did not fully quit until she went on her own for counseling privately. Being around a bunch of other ancestors did not help her.

    A drop below my wrist, underneath the skin I hold a pencil tip sized bump?

    what could it be? a bit pointy, no real stomach-ache and yes, I will go to a DR. a cyst, a bony calcification, a cartilage calcification, etc. I enjoy one on my middle finger. They say it is extra cartilage but mine hurts.
    sounds close to you have a ganglion cyst. regrettably, if you smash it, it will probably come back subsequent. you could go to a doctor and achieve it removed though.

    A Drinking Problem.?

    I think I hold a drinking problem... but I'm not quite sure.
    Usually whenever I drink, I drink alone, I drink until I attain drunk enough to crash asleep.
    I seem to own a problem because sometimes I can't go to sleep so I drink myself to sleep. Whenever I am intensely mad I resembling to drink straight whiskey and vodka and before I would never do that. I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to alcohol but I hold a major problem.
    I am anyone put on AntiDepressants within the subsequent month (I've never been on them before) and it's apparent you can't mix alcohol with AntiDepressants. I want to drink but if I'm taking the pills I don't know how I am supposed to freshly... stop drinking? I need counsel.. please. Whoever prescribed the anti-depressants to you must be told about your drinking problem. He or she know how to help you. Even if you are afraid to let somebody know them, it is vital that you do. The alcohol can really ruin your body, especially when mixed up next to medication and you do need those meds.
    Please hold care of yourself.
    I surmise it's really brave that you can admit this problem to yourself.
    If you are addicted you merely cant quit on your own. There will be physical problems that will occur if you stop cold turkey. I would explain to the Dr. who prescribed you the antidepressants about your drinking. Contact your local mental strength center, most counties have one. They will know of some rehab programs for you. Do this immediately before it get worse.

    A Doctor's or nurse's direction nearly taking prescription pill while one pregnant.?

    Okay so my friends girlfriend is pregnante and she is taking xanax and vicodin. I want to know if it is harmful to her unborn child and if its negative to her child once it is born. Also my friend doesnt know that she is taking these pills, so should i tell him? Vicodin is okay. It is normally prescribed, because ibuprofen should not be taken. The Xanax is another issue. The baby can be born addicted to both these drugs if she continues to regularly nick these medications. The Vicodin addiction is one the nursery nurses can cope near, but the Xanax addiction can cause more problems. Her OB doctor and the nurses that will thoroughness for her infant need to be aware she is using these drugs, how long during the pregnacy she have used them, and how much, just for the infants sanctuary. Please talk to her significant other and find out if he can take her assistance to get past its sell-by date these medications while she is pregnant.
    Tell him. Contact CPS and distance yourself from this personage.

    A cross-examine more or less Chantix?

    I am on my fourth day not smoking, I'm doing alright and haven't cheated, but be wondering if it would be bad to chew a piece of nicotine gum? I can't come across to find any good answers on the websites for the med's. Any feedback would be compassionate, Thanks in finance. If you look at the following instructions, it says that you do not own to stop smoking until the 7th day that you're on Chantix. Below is also a write down indicating that it's okay if you slip up. Just don't give up. Be sure to read the intact link I provided too. It have more information that you should read just to ensure that in that are no issues that you would be the only one that might be aware of.
    How do I appropriate CHANTIX?
    1. Choose a quit date when you will stop smoking.
    2. Start taking CHANTIX one week (7 days) before your quit date. This let CHANTIX build up in your body. You can hold smoking during this time. Make sure that you try and stop smoking on your quit date. If you slip, try again. Some people call for a few weeks for CHANTIX to work best.
    3. Take CHANTIX after eating and next to a full glass (8 ounces) of sea.
    4. Most people will hold taking CHANTIX for up to 12 weeks. If you have completely quit smoking by 12 weeks, ask your doctor if another 12 weeks of CHANTIX may minister to you stay cigarette-free.
    What if I slip up while taking CHANTIX?
    It's okay. Remember, you may choose to smoke for the first week you are on CHANTIX. Try to stop smoking completely on your Quit Date (Day 8). But if you slip up, don't give up! Some race need a few weeks for CHANTIX to work best. Forty-four percent of those who took CHANTIX for the full 12 weeks were competent to quit smoking. Some of those even had slip-ups up to Week 9.

    A coworker of mine is prescribed wha i find to be too tons different meds adjectives at once and I be wondering if?

    .. that's way too several and if they are in reality contradicting each other.
    She said that within aren't any alerts at teh pharmacy and she doesn't see that many docotors.
    So far, this is what I know she is taking:
    (and she's 53 by the way)
    blood pressure drug
    3different "mood elevators"
    Is that too much?
    I also feel close to they are cancelling her out because the 60mg of Aderall she take each daytime doesn't even seem to affect her at adjectives.
    Anyone else on that many different meds?
    You judge it's safe? She requests to call the pharmacy and hold them look at all her prescriptions. I can`t bear to say it, but sometimes doctors do prescribe medication and don't bother to see if they interact with one another. Please own her get this checked out. And why isn't the pharmacy on alert? Have her try Walgreen's if it's contained by your area. They are past the worst and usually on top of things similar to this. It can be very dodgy considering all the meds she's taking. Best of luck.
    its probably not safe and sound.
    but its really not your business
    Yes, it does seem approaching a lot, however, Im not a doctor, so what do I know? Depression/ anxiety drugs affect respectively person differently, and it does whip time to figure out which combinations work best for the indevidual. Id voice your concern surrounded by a non-judgemental way, suggest a trip to her doctor, I also touch when a person is on these benevolent of drugs, most benifit from therapy too. After that, stay out of it.

    A couple question here.?

    1) sometimes my head can bring like really itchy, and consequently there are flakes. How can i stop that?
    2) Before i budge back to arts school i want to lose alittle pounds. I want to do it easily. So how can i do it?
    3) I play on an All*Star basketball troop. And i want to improve my skills,. Any tips?
    4)My obverse is breaking out! Any ideas on how prevent that?
    Help to these question would be nice!
    KissKiss!<3 1. Head and Shoulders
    2. Cut calories...add more fruits and vegatables, smaller quantity red meat and breads. Exercise daily for at lowest 30 - 45 min.
    3. Practice...learn from others. Ask your coach where on earth you need your biggest improvements and budge from there.
    4. Wash your obverse at least twice a light of day. Morning and night. Regular soap, nought fancy. If that doesn't work and your break outs are pretty might see a dermatologist.
    About your itching problem you should carry some head and shoulders shampoo & if that dont work this sounds dumb but when you are at home i wouldnt move about out in public close to this but put baby grease on your scalp. About the face breaking out you should try to mop up your face at tiniest 2 times a day that should clear most of it. if you carry a pimple and you want to get rid of it contained by a hurry you put tooth paste or diaper unwary cream on the pimple.

    A cold sore?

    i have my graduation pictures tomorrow and lucky my have had a cold sore since monday. i really don't want the cold sore to be tremendously visible. it doesn't even own to be completely gone. just adequate so i can smile normally. any tips/pointers? Don't verbs about it and smile big. They can touch up your picture to remove any entry you don't like
    try a prescription called aberiva and it will be in motion away by tommorow

    A call round to the chiropractor and profoundly of stress?

    I went to the chiropracter today. The scan they did on my back weren't the best, and one constituent showed I was beneath considerable amount of stress. My Dr. told me that I need to quit shutting it up inside of me and buy and sell with it, because it wasn't helping my vigour any. I admitt I'm under like mad of stress... I know prayer is the best way to accord with it and I own been praying deeply, but he told me to pray and he also said that I may need to do something else as in good health, such as talk to someone or something of that disposition. Do you know of anything that i can do to help near this. I don't have various ppl I trust myself to talk to, besides my mom, and some things I chat to her about hurt her to see me dealing next to and I don't like to do that. She have enough agony and stress in herself. Advice. please?? e-mail me...and agree to it ALL out...
    not afraid to hear , not afraid to pray , and not afraid to be Honest..and if that sounds a little thats ok.
    i dont mind being call weird and i dont permit whats said to me go anywhere but to God....and sometimes it take an outsider to see the Whole forest...and not just the trees !!
    e-mail...i will listen and or contribute advise.i hold and do with frequent...and have made some exceedingly good friends in recent times in that posture....its up to you...i know i'm a guy..sometimes having a man prespective is better.allows one to see the other side of the coin as well !!

  • why does my computer run so slowly
  • recommend face powder
  • A ask in the region of HRT for infantile transsexuals?

    I'm from Brazil, and I am 18 year old mtf. I started my HRT when I be 13 with estradiol valerate (2 mg) and ciproterone, but surrounded by a very small dosage ( 2mg, but the recommended dosage is 50 mg or more). However I get good results, because in a minute I don't have any facial down or a masculine voice. But ciproterone is completely expensive and I think it would be better for me to use spironolactone as anti-androgen. So my grill is: should I take 100 mg os spiro or smaller number, considering that I dont't show any masculinization in body? I really reason that the levels of testosterone surrounded by my body are very low, otherwise I would enjoy facial hair, witch I don't, so I focus that 100 mg is too much. So I was hoping to get hold of some advice, because I live within a small city, and doctors don`t prescrive HRT for transgender people. Honey, the merely advice I can bequeath you is; please, DON'T take hormones lacking medical supervision. Oestrogen is a potent and dangerous drug; empire (including some of my friends) have died from self-medicating, and spironolactone is VERY hazardous.
    I know that in your fragment of the world, life can be greatly difficult for transwomen; if you can't find a doctor to oversee your treatment in your town, find one within another town, but please, do find one.
    I understand that the Brazilian public strength service is now offering free treatment for transsexual empire ( perhaps you should investigate that?

    96 lbs...a well-mannered shipment?

    Is 96 lbs a good solidity for someone who is 5'1", and 17 years of age?
    my mom is angry with me and say I'm underweight
    But I'm not anorexic or anything, I eat when I'm hungry, I drink lots of sea and fluids and I jog around the block two or three times a week, and even meander to school.
    I do hold a small stomach, so i get full effortless. But I rarely ever consistency weak or sick or anything, and if I do, I munch through rigth away Your ideal consignment would be 105 lbs so you might perhaps be a bit on the hurricane lantern side but not necessarily underweight. If you feel OK next you probably are OK.
    If you are underweight you would probably feel tired and meagre all the time and you would probably own a weak immune system.
    Well, it adjectives depends on your body. I know a 12 year old whose around that counterbalance and height, so that might count for something.
    I would recommend seeing a doctor and asking what the fine weigh range for your age and altitude would be. Then go from nearby.
    Your a tad bit underweight but if you put on 4 pounds you can tell your mom your contained by the ideal counterbalance range.

    9 morning behind time interval!?

    My period is exceedingly unpredictable but it usually happens the final week of the month or the first week of the month..and I'm about 9 days slow now! I've taken 2 pregnancy test..all refusal.
    I changed my diet in the second month and have lost 10 lbs (cut out soda and unwanted items food)..
    I'm also stressed due to college semester starting last week...
    Could that be it??
    warning? I'm so worried! i would say btw the diet transform and the stress you are late. sometimes us girls' menstrual cycle change.
    i do think it is your form that is the bring of your late time. n probably not pregnant. if you can go to a clinic and win a regular checkup explaining your late interval. excessive exercise(or much stress on the body) can change its majority function.

    8 year outmoded daughter have tonsils and adenoids removed??

    My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed Friday morning. The medicinal process is going as good as can be expected. I do enjoy a question though. She have developed a cough in the concluding hour or so. It isn't a bad cough, a short time ago painful to her. Is this a run of the mill thing after the surgery or should I contact her doctor? It isn't a constant cough any. If it was I would be on the phone next to the doctor instead of being on here. I consistency like I in recent times might be worried for nothing and don't want to rouse up the doctor in the middle of the hours of darkness. Can anyone help put me at take the edge off here? Unless she's running a fever or showing other symptoms, I wouldn't verbs. The cough is probably just a sensitivity to the soreness in her throat and possibly some congestion due to the anesthesia she underwent. Coughing is almost other a side effect of anesthesia.
    Just keep an eye on it, don't suggest there's any need to telephone the doctor in the middle of the dark. If it seems worse contained by the morning, or if you're still worried about it, particularly DO call the doctor, if singular for reassurance.
    I had my tonsils out when I be 19 (nearly 20) and I still remember how painful it be. The surgery was a complete nouns and well worth it (I'd have so much trouble with tonsillitis within the preceding years) but it was for sure painful for a few days after. Lots of popsicles! Also, probably you were told to expect ear-pain contained by 4-5 days or so ... that's pretty painful, too. I have a prescription painkiller for that (which I detested to take), so I took ibuprofen, which worked fine.
    Good Luck!
    well i have that done mother had me consumption icecream and colds all the time ...possibly try that (suggesting bc it might help if ur not allready doing it)

    5 year hoary near serious bowel problems. We've treid big fiber diet, glycomax, and zilch seem to facilitate!?

    She's been to a childrens hospital, but they one and only gave her a double ennama I enjoy a friend (an RN) who has a nine year old-fashioned daughter with similar issues. She have found that Miralax helps considerably. It have been widely used by doctors and is immediately available over the counter. And depending on the severity, it can be taken daily as it is considered to be one of the gentlest option out there for treating chronic constipation. However, please consult your pediatrician back you try this approach. Good luck to both you and your daughter.
    I used to have to provide my 3 year old --coffee creamer and water--also molasses and marine and that helped..

    5 out of 7 days a week I stir up w/ a stomach tenderness and want to throw up...?

    Why? Anyone know of anything that would cause me to be unsettled 80% of the mornings that I wake up? This have been on-going in a minute for about 2 months and I haven't be able to digit anything out. I don't vomit every morning, but more of the time than not I do self induce vomiting because it makes me grain so much better...
    Any ideas for treatment or diagnosis? You should avoid rich,pouring or spicy foods esp at nights. Do not fiction down immediately after drinking. Drink less coffee. Avoid alcoholic and fizzy drinks.
    One metoclopramide tablet previously your dinner would also be helpful.
    Maybe you are have morning sickness.

    5 foot 5 and 110 lbs. Am I too skinny?

    I eat ample. I don't exercize a lot. I hold a really high metabolism. Other than my friends thinking that I hold a black hole stomach I am pretty normal. I am 15 years antediluvian. And no I am not showing you a picture, I don't plaster myself all over the pattern. So long as you get your monthly flow reguarly, its not really a problem. Its nice to be fit intrinsically, you're lucky! Just make sure the lowered counterweight doesn't effect your monthly flow b/c it in turn will effect your hormones, mood, etc
    no thats fine. i weigh a bit more than you, but i kno family who are totally healthy and dont look at skinny that weigh smaller number than you. (same height, around duplicate age, me and people i kno)

    3 dys ago i have sex. i lost my "V" n i've be filn sick,cnt breath,dizzines,and intensely doomed to failure stomach pns lend a hand me!

    It actually sounds approaching you have caught the's of late coincidence that it happened after you have sex. For peace of mind, go see your doctor.
    Go to the doctor, and soon. It may be adjectives in your mind, but better to be sure.

    23-25 age boys increase their is posible.what excerise for increase heigth within this age?

    guide about increase height is 5.2" foot.I need 5.6" not more.increase rank excerise,foods its posible this age increase height.plz guide me Yes you can grow taller, this site have most of the answers you are looking for.
    nope, not in this age scale as everything is already set by 18. there is however a book by dr. vora call health surrounded by your hands which recommend accupressure points/juices so that you can increase you're height until you are age 25. don't know if this will work but you can offer it a try.

    20 and want aid!!?

    hey guys its Taylor and on my little sisters account, i consider i ate something that upset my stomach the other day! and resourcefully i lost weight bc i be constantly in the bathroom and in a minute i gained rather back but still going to the bathroom, also when i go to get dressed my pant be tighter then ever. i cant b pregnant bc i have my period two months straight after me and my bf did (well its dumb he put it surrounded by for a sec with a condom and im on the pill) so i notably doubt that!! but y were my pant tighter? my stomach swollen? please help me!! Food poisoning and stomach flu can lead to stomach bloating. Don't worry around it! Ask your mom to get you some Immodium AD (to stop the diarrhea, cramping, and bloating). Good luck!
    ask your mom for one entry. get a doctors appointment. u might only just have the flu. own u tried something to help your bathroom problem? probably aren't pregnant unless your pills has-been and the condom was torn or something.

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  • 2 Questions for the ladies?

    Do any of you like men who are unkempt like everywhere? and but for what should i do. Like im talkin about doesn`t matter what part you can reflect of i havve hair within. Some people do approaching it, some don't. Why not do what scientists do, experiment. How about you bring a full body wax and see if it makes a difference...
    Good luck
    if u r dishevelled then wax

    2 question?

    ok. so first:
    does it hurt really bad to carry ur nose pierced? i dont do very well with misery, but i really want my nose pierced! does it hurt to sneeze?or when ur antenna runs? (lol i know weird request for information but still i wanna know)
    second: whats another website u can use to download songs for free besides limewire? one that wont give virus or slow the comp. down b/c limewire messed up my comp.
    thanks contained by advance! I own my nose pierced and it hurt relatively a bit at first. They did mine with a syringe and not a gun(which is actually not hugely sanitary to do it with a gun). They hold to go through cartilage but it single lasts a few second. It will start to throb and be very sore for roughly a week. Use bacytracin ointment on it to relieve the swelling and oblige fight infection. WARNING! Don't use bacytracin more than 6 or 7 days because you will develop what looks close to pus in your muzzle piercing. It will also be sore and won't heal. This is because you very soon have a yeast infection surrounded by your nose. Lol that happen to me. It should be ok. Just resist the urge to keep touching it so it can make well properly. Also, it should not hurt to sneeze or when your nose runs. Lol. I enjoy had mine for almost 7 years and it hardly bothers me. Just remember to take the earring out of your trunk every so often to verbs it.
    Enjoy your new trunk ring!
    I had my snout pierced several years ago, it did hurt really bad, but the niggle went away. I don't remember if it hurt or not when I sneezed. If you hold a cold or allergies, take the ring/stud out or when you blow your feeler or it'll be messy. Also, I got tired of mine after a couple years and stopped wearing a ring, it vanished a scar, live and revise.
    Sorry but don't know any other free sites besides limewire.

    2 question give or take a few sleep?

    1) How many stages of sleep are within?
    2) What occurs on respectively stage of sleep?
    3) On what stage of sleep does dreaming occur?
    If you can answer even 1 it would be apreciated.. 1) Usually sleepers intervene through five stages: 1, 2, 3, 4 and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.

    2) Stage 1 is light sleep where on earth you drift in and out of sleep and can be awakened glibly. In this stage, the eyes move slowly and muscle activity slows.
    In stage 2, eye movement stops and brain top become slower with one and only an occasional burst of rapid brain breakers.
    When a person enter stage 3, extremely slow brain waves call delta waves are interspersed beside smaller, faster waves.
    In stage 4, the brain produces delta breakers almost exclusively. Stages 3 and 4 are referred to as deep sleep, and it is tremendously difficult to wake someone from them. In low sleep, there is no eye movement or muscle amusement.
    In the REM period, breathing become more rapid, irregular and shallow, eyes push rapidly and appendage muscles are temporarily paralyzed. Brain waves during this stage increase to level experienced when a person is awake. Also, heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, males develop erections and the body loses some of the power to regulate its temperature. This is the time when most dreams come to pass, and, if awoken during REM sleep, a person can remember the dreams.

    3) It occur in the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycle.
    3 stages. and r.e.m sleep is when you are dreaming already. thats adjectives i remember.

    Would you want to be a organ donor?

    Would you want to be a organ donor?
    I am. My best friend would not be alive today if it were not for an organ donor. It is not what you take with you when you leave this world it is what you leave behind you when you go.
    yes and i strongly believe everyone should i see many people benefiting from transplants on a daily basis
    Only if I was truly dead.
    i am one i think if im gone i dont need the parts anymore and so if they can keep someone else alive thats great!
    To do an honorable thing for someone who would otherwise die from the failure or organs including heart,lung,kidney and others.

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  • Wednesday, October 20, 2010

    19 and stipulation facilitate?

    sudden sharp back dull pain in lower put money on which causes me to stop anything i am doin bc it like stiffs me up or w/e i suffer moved out stomach pain occassionally are they related is in that something ALL my doctors missed that u guys might know about im merely 19!!PLEASE HELP ignore that closing guy. do you ever lift hard to digest objects? I got this earlier, it almost made me bed ridden for a week. go subsidise to your doc asap. it could be something very serious
    i'd articulate your right

    165lb for long-gone 1 year?

    i am male age 25 going to 26
    i am 5'10 and i weigh 165lb i dont want to look rotund i don't look 25
    people relay me i look 18, 19. i want a nice tone a little bulk
    entail fast warning because i arms look like they are thin and not strong Your ideal immensity would be 170 lbs so your weight at 165 lbs is fine.
    Plenty of swimming is upright for toning and is probably the best exercise there is.
    pocket steroids

    14 and requirement lend a hand?

    umm going to the bathroom after anything i eat?? usual?? im only 14 and im terrified please help me.. im worried on whats going on.. never had this previously! are you throwing up, or peeing or #2ing?
    if throwing up consult your parents. if peeing give it a couple of days if it doesnt stop consult parents again and same for #2ing
    try pepto bismol or mabye u enjoy an upset stomach,

    103.64 F Fever?

    What do you recommend I do? I am not usually sick so I don't know what type of food or medication or things I should do in lay down to lower the temp. Temped bath. Cool towels down your neck and on forehead. Take Tylenol, not aspirin.DO NOT use alcohol or rime. You need to bring your temp down slowly, too hasty can cause a appropriation. If you not brake this fever contained by the next couple of hour dance to the ER.
    Ice bath. See a doctor. Your choice.

    10 points! When you cry, do you eyes puff up when you wake up up, after you sleep? AND WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT!?

    Hey, I have a problem...
    I cry profoundly before I sleep (don't comment on that please) for different reason but when I wake up, my eyes are adjectives weird looking and red and puff! What can I do to fall that IN THE MORNING (don't say don't cry). Please backing because if I don't do anything about it, it as a rule stays like that for 4ish hours. Thanks everyone! Eye drops until that time you go to sleep and when you wake up up will help make smaller the redness.
    The best technique I've found to drop off swelling is to chill a metal teaspoon (I just stick one within a glass of rime water for a few minutes, but you could toss them within the fridge for a while too) and then hold the bowl of the spoon against the puffy part of the pack under your eye. I hold on to rechilling and applying for about ten minutes.
    Also, try not to rub your eyes when you cry - they'll procure irritated and be even redder when you wake up.
    Yes this happen to me, the best thing to do is bathe your face beside cold water and rime will help next to the swelling.

    1/3 tsp equal to ??

    my three year od got pills from the dr's yesterday and i am to give her a 1/3 tsp of this prescription...trouble is the medicine spoon does hold a mark for that and i cant find any that do within my house and i have a ton.more or less how many mL's is this or between what grades should i be looking at?? HELP A teaspoon is 5ml. 1/3 of a teaspoon 1.67 ml, or just underneath 2 ml.
    The standard Tylenol for infants/toddlers dropper should have markings of 0.8 and 1.8 ml on it.
    DO NOT eyeball it. Volume length can be deceptive. Eyeballing it is fine for baking cookies, but this dosage is for a small child. Small differences business.
    If you're really stuck, call your doctor and ask if it would be better to use a standard 1/4 or a 1/2 teaspoon measure spoon. (1/3 is in the middle of these two, and not a standard measure spoon size.)
    Your doctor will know where your child fits on the weight/dosage chart, and whether to round up (to 1/2) or down (to 1/4).
    eyeball it contained by a teaspoon

    0844 number for doctor?

    Doctors are being converted by telephone equipment suppliers and service providers, to move to a non-geographic 0844 number to book an appointment and 0870 numbers for calls from overseas countries.
    These numbers are revenue sharing numbers and generate an income for the doctors surgery and/or the cellular phone service provider and encourage the queue of calls to generate extra revenue.
    This practice penalises the poor, elderly and other folks who do not have access to a home phone and must rely on a public phone box and is supplementary un-neccessary burden and cost on illness.
    Please petition the affairs of state to stop this at The rules for revenue sharing changed in December.
    The owner of the 0870 number very soon gets remarkably little, if anything at all in a minute.

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  • :( I dont know what to do?

    Lately ive been really depressed looking at my body surrounded by the mirror, people voice im not fat but i look surrounded by the mirror and all of a sudden alls i realise is my imperfection.
    I cry nearly every day .. when ever i see myself i perceive sick and i dont want to go anywhere resembling some other answers say, we adjectives have imperfection. because we are all human. we enjoy to try to be happy near outselves and keep trying to be our best.
    i don't assume there is a woman alive that does not complain almost something about herself.
    if you are crying every time, please call a psycholist or psychiatrist. i am going thru a depression entry myself and don't leave the house too recurrently.
    also, don't know where you are but i am contained by pa and it's the middle of winter, the sun does not shine much and most are less joyful (more depressed) in winter blues months.
    hope this help you.
    Consult a psychologist.

    (UK) What do I have need of to speak to bring my GP to distribute me sleeping tablets?

    I have never be a good sleeper. It's as if my body requirements my natural sleeping stencil to be from about 6am to 2pm. But as I'm am a student, this is incompatible near my lifestyle.
    For years I have be trying everything. Relaxing, taking a bath, not doing anything to stimulating, adjectives down on caffeine. I have even tried herbal remedies, but nil works. I am never sleepy at the appropriate time, even if I got up impulsive. All I want is to be able to walk to bed and fall asleep.
    I once go to my doctor and he just give me an information sheet about things to try, things I already know about and hold tried anyway.
    I want the drugs.
    What do I need to speak to my GP to get a prescription? yeah I agree next to Jennifer.
    I dont know it works in the UK but here contained by the states if your doc is just not doing it for you, try another.
    BUT keep watch on out for those sleeping pills. They are addictive, then you can't walk to sleep without them. But insomina sucks too. Tough traffic, but anyway tell him/her what's up.
    Go vertebrae and tell him exactly what you hold written here

    (HELP!) On my tablet box it say "Take an hour formerly food or on an senseless stomach" I don't catch this....

    So If I take the tablets and later wait an hour, does that still denote before I took the tablets I could drink?
    Say If I just ate something... I can help yourself to the tablets instantly after but wait for another hour since I eat again? Please assistance, Im so confused! Take it before you munch through, meaning not right after you chomp through or on a full stomach. I'm guessing in the morning it would be best.
    Just product sure you're not full or that you ate atleast an hour or more prior to or before taking it
    No, you shouldn't give somebody a lift the pills after you've eaten. Your stomach requirements to be empty or relatively desolate to take those.
    The best article for you to do would be to take them first item in the morning if you don't chomp through breakfast right away. Or just previously you go to bed if you haven't eat anything in a few hours.
    They don't want you to own food in your stomach when you steal the medication in crust it makes you sick. Take it back you eat but sort sure it is an hour before you guzzle because it takes 2 hours for food to depart your stomach. If you have already eat wait 2 hours so your stomach will be worthless. Hope this helps you take in.

    ( Please Help ) I hold this red bump on the right side of my chest and it's swollen a bit. ?

    I just notice it there a few days ago.
    The single symptoms are that the right side of my chest is swollen by a few millimeters , and the bump looks like give or take a few half a centimeter, .
    and a few weeks ago, i have a bigger red bump on my left arm, i really dont know if a bug is doing this, or what category of bug. Little red bumps are kind of sturdy to diagnose. It could be a bite, maybe spider... not sure if mosquitos are out and just about in your nouns. Could be a pimple.. Does it hurt? Could be a boil, if so watch for MRSA - two of my daughters have MRSA boils last year.
    in-grown tresses?

    "i be wondering why the medicare wont earnings for a scooter to travel around outside i use my wheelchair within the h

    Medicare provides equipment that has be deemed medically called for for use within the home. It is considered a 'convenience item' if the equipment is primarily used outdoors.
    In olden times, Medicare made it very complex to qualify for a power scooter but easier to qualify for a power wheelchair. Regulations have changed lately making scooters a little easier to find.
    Just like any other medical device, you obligation to start the process with a trip to your Dr. to get hold of a prescription for a power scooter or power wheelchair. Take that script to a local mobility provider. Your Dr. may be able to recommend one if you do not already own a relationship with a provider.
    Remember, newly because you have a prescription does not guarantee that you will be given a scooter. There is a process that take place that may include an out of pocket co-pay fee. The commercials that promise free scooters are enticing those to call contained by to learn almost the 'fine print'.
    Choose a local provider so that you are guaranteed quick access to service when needed.
    Maybe you own to apply again. I've heard it said that they other deny on the first application. There are three people near scooters near my house and I know that 2 of them are on title 19. I don't know if that make a difference or not. The whole system get confusing to me, but I hope this bit of info. helps & I desire you the best. Also, there is a commercial on TV moderately a bit that says you cannot be turned down or they will payment for it themselves. All I can think of is a possible liability of travelling outside beside traffic.

    "I am dying" ; is this Out of the typical.?

    Don't answer if this Q seems disturbing, sick or refusal...
    I have'nt been relatively Good today.
    "AmouR" *Hugs* Everyone is dying, make the most of living - explicitly what you are doing right now. Take a look around you, walk for a walk, look out the glass at the sun or the moon. See beauty contained by something little outside of yourself completely and take it from within..
    i don't get it?

    "Close the glass, you'll confine a draft"?

    I always hear mothers on TV say something similar to this but wasn't sure if I inherent the phrase. I can't find it online.
    I've had a couple situations where on earth I left my bedroom windowpane open and get sick. My throat would be dry and seem as if the cold nouns affected my nasal passage. Is that what it is? Usually it is the allergens that are in the "draft" that create the symptoms. If it is a cold draft your body has to work harder to keep hold of its temperature regulated which can lower your resistance to microorganisms and that too can manufacture you sick.
    Mom knows best! I other keep my window closed. :)

    Zithromax for Sinus Infection CAN NOT Sleep Anyone Experienced This???

    How long does it last...I can not sleep more then 3 hours at a time at nite...I took all 5 pills like perscribed 1 a day ended them 2 days ago so how long till this wears off?? Please HelpZithromax for Sinus Infection CAN NOT Sleep Anyone Experienced This???
    Well, normally, when you take Zithromax, you take 2 tablets the first day, then one tablet a day afterwards. The thing with Zithromax is that the antibiotic will stay in your system for a period of 5 days after you have completed treatment. You should have started to feel better after 48 hours, but it looks like you're not, so I would go back to the doctor and let them know, you may need something stronger, like Avelox, which is great for sinus infections.
    I certainly can empathize, I had a sinus infection for an entire year, it was horrible, but Avelox really helped.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    The known side effects of Zithromax are:
    nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain;
    unusual dizziness, fatigue, or headache;
    vaginal yeast infection;
    a rash; or
    increased sensitivity to sunlight.
    Do not think insomnia is coming from Zithromax, could be from a decongestant if you are taking one.

    Zinc Supplements? - beneficial?

    Ive bought some Zinc suppliments that reads - High strength amino acid cheleated Zinc 15mg with copper. What are these good for? and would they be beneficial to the skin?Zinc Supplements? - beneficial?
    Zinc is a mineral essential to the body, zinc is a constituent of many enzymes that permit chemical reactions to proceed at normal rates. It is involved in the manufacture of protein (protein synthesis) and in cell division. Zinc is also a constituent of insulin, and is concerned with the sense of smell. Food sources of zinc include meat, in particular liver and seafood, eggs, nuts and cereal grains. Deficiency of zinc is associated with short stature, anemia, increased pigmentation of skin (hyperpigmentation), enlarged liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly), impaired gonadal function (hypogonadism), impaired wound healing, and immune deficiency. Too much zinc can cause gastrointestinal irritation (upset stomach), interfere with copper absorption and cause copper deficiency, and (like too little zinc) cause immune deficiency. The Recommended Dietary Allowance of zinc is 12 milligrams per day for women and 10 milligrams per day for men.(according to the National Academy of Sciences).
    It's good for acne! Sadly I can't remember how much you need to take if this is your problem, so would recommend an internet search if you haven't already done so. But zinc supplements as well as a sugar free diet with lots of raw salads gave me a wonderfully clear skin in my early 20's when I was suffering from acne.
    its good also for fertility and the production of healthy sperm

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  • You know that stuff called 'ban' that you use to keep you from sweating?

    are you supposed to use regular deoderant along with it? Are you to use it everyday or just the night before you have a function and you don't want to sweat. Cause I don't think it's healthy not to sweat.You know that stuff called 'ban' that you use to keep you from sweating?
    Ban is a deodorant.
    I don't think I've heard of a product that makes you quit sweatting. I don't think it would be healthy, anyway.
    I don't know, I use Degree for Men and it works well. I'm sure Degree for Women would work just as well.
    No, Ban is the deodorant. But I don't recommend it-it doesn't really work. I would try Dove. It doesn't stop you from sweating all the way, it just stops you from sweating like a pig.

    You have fear to the death?

    You have fear to the death?
    thats probably true,and an interesting point
    As a journey unknown, fear to death is natural. However, if someone has no faith after life after death and the day of judgement, this fear is killing. Those who live a faithful life and try to share their cake with others have much less fear than those who do not.
    Absolutely! Second by second when I am on the Saudi Causeway!!!
    Dying doesn't scare me but, dying because of those idiot drivers seems horribly unfair- and that is scarey!
    Is that a statement or a question kid.
    If you're asking am I afraid of death, then I'd answer 'No'. But I AM afraid of the WAY I will die.
    I have nightmares about drowning and also being suffocated. It's the fear of not being able to breathe.
    I wanna go in my sleep! Boring I know, but I'll be doing what I love!
    do you ? I dont fear anything thank you
    no you don,t have to fear,it is just an awful fear ,and no body can tell what sort of death you will experience,do you belive,in after life as this helps,and the older you get the less you worry about it,its part of life and i hope you have a long and happy life.but do,nt worry about it as it will make you happens to all of us.

    Yesh...i hear ringing noises too..?

    i know that it is tinnitus and all, but is it gonna stay with me for a life time? or can it be cured? should i worry about it? thanks!Yesh...i hear ringing noises too..?
    yes u should until u get assurance from an ent specialist. esp those frequent long standing tinnitus
    i think everybody hears it when it is completly silent, it depends if it is louder in one ear than the other if you can really diagnose it, a homemade bomb blew up in my left ear and when it is completely silent all i hear is a high pitch eeeeeeee but i can hear it in my other ear also but it is not as loud
    added its been about ten years and it hasnt gone away, you have it for life, the doc said it was the hairs that detect sound in my inner ear permantly bent over creating the sound there is no cure, but if it just happened the sound will goaway in about two months if it was realy bad then it will slowly goaway but maybe not all the way like in my case
    you can have it forever or it can stop someday. It's a real bummer if it's real loud. I've had it for 5 years with no change. Try seeking a Chinese herbalist/accupuncturist. Some types of tinnitus can be improved if worked on as soon as you get it.

    Yes or no? why?

    does mentally stresswd person can have brain tumor yes no answer pls!Yes or no? why?
    Yes, but those two things are not necessarily connected. A very quiet and level-headed person can have a tumor, while a stressed person might not have.
    Anything is possible, but you would have to get a cat scan to see if you have a tumor. Stress can do some major damage to our bodies but I have never heard of causing a tumor in the brain. I have heard of tumors in the brain causing stress.
    I guess they could, but the chances of very slim. If your really concerned, maybe you should either talk to you therapist or doctor. I say chances are very slim, because stress can cause you to feel very sick in many ways-get rid of the stress and you will feel better.