Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Acid Reflux?

I have what I'd assume to be bitter reflux, (the doctor wasn't sure).
Well, I've had it for in the order of a month. Last week I'd drink was Powerade, and I feel fine perfect and after my parents started to refuse to buy it anymore...
I won't drink plain hose because it makes me throw up and I dislike..HATE the taste of milk. So, the solitary thing we own at the house is Sodas...and the soda has be upsetting it alot these past two..three days. My chest/heart/esophagus burns and it make me breathe deeply. I yell at my parents to go buy some more powerade because it reallly seem to help and they're going to.
What other foods/drinks should I stay away from? Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. Acid reflux sucks. I hold it, as does my mother. I take prescription medication day after day for it though, and it pretty much allows me to eat what I want. While I've still made some alterations to my diet, I've in reality found I like the alternatives better immediately anyway, and it's mostly healthier.
For example: I just about ever order regular feeble pizza anymore (because of the marinara sauce on it) but I've found that I like white pizza plentifully instead (it has a garlic, not tomato-based, sauce). I scarcely ever drink soda anymore, but soda isn't very moral for you anyway.
I'd definitely recommend going to the doctor's though, because you never know what it could be or how serious. My mom does own acid reflux, but she be having really fruitless pain once, go to see a doctor, and found out she actually have an ulcer.
Whew, sorry, I don't mingy to scare you. Just run care of yourself! :)
soda,booze,tomatoes ,in that is a long list try looking at trellis to get a enumerate of what not to eat

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