Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Will an insurance company pay for a hot tub for chronic back pain?

just curious if an insurance company would pay for a hot tub , or a whirlpool for my husband, who has cronic back painWill an insurance company pay for a hot tub for chronic back pain?
I was an office manager for a rheumatologist and did the referrals. You can get most anything approved if your doctor's office is willing to harass the insurance company.
I got tempurpedic beds approved but it took me about 9 months. One day I asked the patient for all of her medical records clear back to her childhood. I started faxing them to the insurance company to prove need and after 2 hours of me non-stop faxing they asked me to stop and agave me what I wanted.
Most doctor's offices stop after they get a no. You have to be persistent with them and do whatever it takes to help your patients.
since no of know who your insurance provider is, please call the number on the back of the card and get the info yourself.
otherwise, list your name and address, insurance provider and social security number and i will contact them myself.
It might, if it's prescribed by a doctor.
Maybe. Check your policy. It would partially depend on how the doctor writes it up, too. Maybe take your policy to his doctor and ask him if there's any chance.
Consider putting a request on freecycle. It's kind of a big item to request, but you just might get one.
NO, I do a fair bit of work with insurance companies and sorry to say they will not pay for the hot tub. Nor can you claim a hot tub for medical reasons.
No they won't. Chronic back pain is pretty common, they'd be more likely to pay for prescription medications.

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