Monday, October 18, 2010

Will my voice ever return to what it was before I started smoking?

Fifteen years ago at age 18, I sang in the church choir, much as I do now. Back then, I had a good, loud, flexible range that ran mostly in the area of first tenor.
Then, I started smoking. Over the years, my two pack a day habit made my voice deeper, and at first I liked the effect. I was able to go a lot lower than I could before. What I didn't realize was that not only was smoking giving me a lower voice, it was also damaging my breathing, and making my vocal strength weaker.
Two years ago, I quit smoking for good. I haven't had one puff since, and I have no desire to, either. What I am wondering is, will my higher range ever return? If I keep singing more and more, and practice pushing my voice a little higher each time, will I ever get back what I had before?Will my voice ever return to what it was before I started smoking?
I would certainly hope so, you are doing all you can, and I believe practice does make perfect.I think the exercise will in time get your voice where you want it to be.Remember the band Journey's singer, he completely lost his voice for awhile...Good Luck.
probaly ask your doctor
Did you go cold turkey on smoking? cause i dont see a lot of ppl doing it.
No, your voice will never go back high again. Why do you think ciggaret packs display the side effects of smoking? cause the company doesnt wana get sued.
That one is pretty hard to answer because we all know that prevention is better than cure. Maybe your voicebox muscles are damaged and this one is irreversible.

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